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Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan

By Todor Bombov


Agatha Christie in space? Why not, if you do it well. Todor Bombov has done it very well in his latest sci-fi novel TITAN.

An exploration team of astronauts on Saturn’s moon Titan starts losing members, one by one, to odd accidents or outright murder. And, personalized messages appear that reference Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Indians” story, striking fear as to who’s going to be next.

But who – or what – is doing the killing?

As the clues mount up and the tension rises, how much can the humans trust their AI? Or each other?

A fast-paced plot, unique individuals, developing relationships, unpeeling mysteries…it all contributes to an urgent need to get off Titan, now!

Todor Bombov’s sci-fi novel TITAN is very engaging, mysterious, dangerous, full of contemporary relevance, full of warnings about what deleterious things can happen if we keep going the way we are with science, technology, exploration, and unchecked exploitation. Yet it does offer threads of hope for what might come about if humanity learns to evolve.

It is certainly a message we all need to hear these days. And it is presented in an entertaining yet dark way, which is quite appropriate for the nature of this story.

Bombov’s writing is smart but always accessible. His references to ancient times, mythology, literary works, current science and media are fun if you know them, inspire you to look them up if you don’t, but they never intimidate or slow down the story-telling.

I hope that more and more people will not only enjoy this novel, but also come to see the wisdom of his words and begin to apply them in their own lives, their societies, and their systems. We so need it!

Pamela Jaye Smith

March 19, 2023

Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan is a different kind of read and an entertaining story. A team of astronauts exploring Saturn’s moon Titan finds themselves in a perilous situation as members begin to perish under mysterious circumstances. With each death, scary messages unsettle the survivors, creating a tense atmosphere. As the tension builds, serious doubts arise about the reliability of their AI and the lack of trust. With a gripping plot, diverse characters, and unfolding mysteries, the urgency to escape Titan intensifies. Todor Bombov’s book is a captivating tale, weaving danger and contemporary themes into its narrative. It serves as a cautionary tale about the ramifications of scientific exploration and exploitation while giving some hope too. Bombov’s writing seamlessly combines references to mythology, literature, and current science, building on the story. This book asks existential questions amidst a backdrop of corporate-driven space exploration and environmental destruction, which makes you think about what will ultimately happen to mankind.

Silver Duck

February 12, 2024

The second volume in the Homo Cosmicus- “Titan" by Todor Bombov is a captivating science fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey to the distant moon of Saturn, where the mysteries of the cosmos collide with the complexities of human nature.

Set in 2069, the novel presents a future Earth on the cusp of achieving Type-II civilization status on the Kardashev scale, with interplanetary trade and colonization reaching unprecedented levels. Titan, Saturn's satellite, emerges as a pivotal hub for humanity's expansion into the solar system, serving as a crucial link for resource distribution to colonies across various celestial bodies.

Bombov's narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Titan's enigmatic landscape, where a team of scientists from the private corporation CSC and NASA embarks on a mission fueled by curiosity and ambition. However, their quest for knowledge is soon overshadowed by a series of ominous deaths, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. As the body count rises, Dr. Eddie Roberto emerges as the key to unraveling the sinister secrets lurking beneath Titan's surface.

What sets "Titan" apart is its masterful blending of science fiction with elements of mystery and suspense. The novel's exploration of Earth's future civilization, populated by genetically modified humans, cyborgs, and androids, offers a thought-provoking glimpse into the potential consequences of technological advancement and societal evolution.

Overall, "Titan" is a gripping and imaginative tale that will appeal to fans of both science fiction and mystery genres. With its richly drawn characters, atmospheric setting, and suspenseful plot twists, it's a novel that will keep readers engrossed from start to finish.

Pratibha Malav

February 13, 2024

Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan, by Todor Bombov, is an existential science fiction thriller with deep threads of technology built into the story. The story surrounds a team of scientists on Titan, one of Saturn's moons, who, in 2069, are on a mission financed by a corporation to explore its resources, when suddenly, members are mysteriously dying. News of the deaths undulate back to Earth and elsewhere, touching the lives of those affected, and sending one man, the father of one of the surviving team members, into an investigation to find the illusive murderer. While that story plays out, the author has built in a tremendous amount of detail which is interspersed in the storyline; such as the backdrop on how mankind colonized the solar system, how large corporations became the giants of space exploration and have seized the opportunity to harvest resources from planets and asteroids, and how, in just a matter of decades leading up to this story, mankind permitted Earth to become a scarred remnant of its once beautiful self, with most animal and plant life dead, oceans laid waste, and disease and death spread to the point where it became necessary for science to play god with the genetic matrix of humanity, creating new versions of man who could withstand the toxicity and harsh conditions of not only Earth, but the rigors of space life. The story has broad and rapid leaps, and the bridges between one scenario to the next can be abrupt, but as a whole, this book opens up our perspective to a very real future facing us, both in terms of space colonization, and the fate of Earth and our race if we do not halt the destruction of our planet.

Réal Laplaine

June 8, 2022

This book, Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan, is the second part of the series, and you would need a few details if you were reading it, but if you haven't read the first part, then don't worry; the author has given enough to connect with the story. Most of the incidents are situated in a whole new "Scifi-Scenario" created in 2069 on Titan, which is one of Saturn's satellites. You would get to know many sci-fi facts grafted in this story, like Earth being part of a type II civilization, as it has full utilization of the solar system and other satellites. You would know about the interplanetary trade of various gases and minerals for the survival of life in other parts of this solar system. Although the story is fictional, the author has made it realistic in terms of imagination, with all the possible intricate details. This shows well-detailed research and an art of telling. The novel is uniquely engaging with its scenario of different worlds. As you turn the pages, you will be part of a different world.

Soochi Sandhiya

February 25, 2024

This book is a really cool sci-fi story, and it's a follow-up to another book.

Most of the story happens on Titan, a moon of Saturn, in the year 2069. It talks about how Earth is getting more advanced, becoming what's called a type-II civilization. Titan becomes super important for trading between planets. There's a mission to Titan led by a company called CSC and NASA, with ten scientists. But then, people start dying in strange ways, and it's up to Dr. Eddie Roberto, who lives on Titan, to figure out why.

It's a mix of a thrilling adventure and a mystery, kind of like Agatha Christie's stories. If you like sci-fi and mysteries, you'll enjoy this book!


February 11, 2024

Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan, is a well thought out concept with a great storyline to go with it. The characters are engaging and very likable. The book is very fast paced and gets you hooked and engaged very quickly.
If you like science fiction that’s action packed and a bit bonkers, this is for you. If you like stories with interesting, well developed characters, this also has that. If you want excitement and a thrilling plot, here you go.
The author obviously has a knack for creating a totally engrossing story that makes you keep on turning pages, its like a wild ride through a science fiction theme park, where every ride makes you question the universe, and why we can’t just get along with our robot overlords. Definitely recommended.


March 4, 2024

In Homo Cosmicus 2 by Todor Bombov, much like the first book in the series it leaves you with lots to think about. 10 scientist show up on Titan in slowly but surely they’re disappearing the only clue they get is a message from Agatha Christie’s book little Indians everyone is suspicious and eventually it will be of everyone else but should they be looking outside of their little group or is someone they brought to tighten a murderer. This book ultimately gives you lots to think about they say where there is money there is power and that money is the root of all evil but what drives this murderer is totally something different and that includes the way they murder. I found this book so interesting and although I enjoyed the first book by Todor Bombov, Homo Cosmicus I can honestly say the second book although heavy in scientific terms was so much more interesting. From the five robots to life on the moon there is a lot more to this book than just murders“ from Agatha Christie’s book it is a clever plot with intelligent world building in likable characters and that includes the robots. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it if you love sci-fi and alternative whirls you’ll definitely enjoy this one. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

Janalyn Prude

March 10, 2024

”Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan" is the second book of a series. This book was so interesting to read and I’ve learned many new facts throughout, due to Todor Bombov’s seamless transition to a new sci-fi world. It is clear he did his research due to the scientific terminology used, and paired with his vivid characters and setting descriptions, it brought the story to life. It is a very thought provoking book and it got me considering themes such as power, money and corruption, and the state of the world we’re living in now. It is full of danger, mystery and excitement, and although at times it was intense with the science side of the story, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Looking forward to reading more of his work in the future!


May 30, 2024
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