Interview on Bulgarian reader site Knigi News

Actually, who are you, the author of “SOCIALISM – THE LIE OF THE CENTURY OR THE CENTURY OF THE LIE”?

– This same question was also asked by a colonel from the State Security on March 27, 1986 during an interrogation, who came in Varna from (the Capital) Sofia specifically to ask me exactly this, exactly because of this book, but whose name I never learned at the time; I only remember the name of the captain who led my investigation. Who am I? Todor Bombov, I come from a “poor working-class family”, as it was once pointed out, heir to a revolutionary clan. My parents are workers, non-party, and have remained so throughout their clean lives so far. I have 2 higher educations – economic, from Varna Higher Institutes.

Who killed socialism – on a global scale, but on a national scale?

– Let’s be clear – socialism has NEVER existed ANYWHERE in the world, even for one day at least! Nobody killed socialism, it just never existed! Not on a global scale, even less on a national scale. It is about Marxian socialism, which foreign and our “communists” swore by for 74 years on a global scale and 42 years on a national scale. Because there are many socialisms, many forms of “socialism”, known in theory since 1848 and in practice throughout the 20th century, but they are not the orthodox Marxian socialism, which understands by socialism the following: a society that does not know any form of exploitation – neither to man by man (i.e., by private property), nor to man by the state; a society of free labor and absence of unemployment in all its hidden forms; absence of inflation as a hidden and secondary form of exploitation; a society in which the main economic policy is the Marxian idea of ​​”dying out of the state”, i.e. eradicating and reducing parasitism in society to zero over time; a society of social equality and social justice with their concrete manifestations, not abstract concepts; a bunch of other stuff. But when Lenin and the Bolsheviks made the revolution, he himself admitted that there is no such socialist who knows how to do socialism, what socialism looks like. And he did capitalism. State. But with 100% state ownership, no private ownership. And he called it socialism. Yes but no. Economic laws remained capitalist. And Marx and Engels warned us about this very danger – lest the state remain in society as a single capitalist, as a single company of capitalists! To this economic base of state capitalism plus the political superstructure “Stalinism”, there was no way to apply the Marxist-Leninist principles of socialism for the state, born since the Paris Commune, namely – reducing the salary of all senior officials to the average salary in the state, abolishing any and all privileges of senior and other officials, abolishing representation, electability and transferability AT ALL TIMES for ALL constituencies. This system simply had no future, it was doomed! However, this is how we lived in the delusion of socialism for nearly half a century in Bulgaria!

Was Bulgaria’s choice towards neoliberal capitalism inevitable after 1989?

– Yes, due to no resistance forces in Bulgaria – neither economically nor ideologically we were united around some common fundamental idea of ​​ours. And due to the fact that we were a weak appendage on the fringes of a doomed system. In reality, we had no choice. Nobody asked us. We were just once allotted in Yalta, then in Malta! And neoliberalism went along with the authors of this dismemberment of Europe and the world. That vile ideology of destruction of entire nations and countries of the world, known as neoliberalism, whose “creator” is Milton Friedman, does not leave a stone upon a stone of them, no grass grows where it passed! Therefore, already in our time, neoliberalism has been sharply criticized even by prominent scientists and economists in the West. Exactly a product of this scientific sloppy of Milton Friedman was the Rahn-Ut plan, his students, which plan was applied to Bulgaria by these pirates most successfully! The point is that a Lukanov was found who splashed this sloppy on Bulgaria on their behalf!

For nearly a quarter of a century, Bulgaria has been walking confidently along the path outlined by yet another only correct ideology – now the neoliberal one, and what are the results, in your opinion?

– Disastrous! It is already clear to every Bulgarian that we are heading headlong towards certain extinction, flying at the speed of light towards irreversible obliteration from the face of the earth! Within a year or two we must stop this destructive trend, get out of this dead grip, because a little later it will be too late!

Is it possible to return to the ideas of socialism – in our country, and in the world?

– Yes, this return is coming, and with even greater force both in our country and around the world – starting next year!

How would you most briefly formulate the history of socialism in our country?

– We have a great history of socialism in our country, which few nations in the world have. Dimitar Blagoev is one of the first apostles of this great idea after its founders Marx and Engels, he taught the Russians about Marxism when Lenin was just starting out in this matter. Unfortunately, it ends in 1944, but it is we, the Bulgarians, who will raise the flag of socialism again, and so high that the whole world will be watching!

There is something absurd in the fact that in our country there are practically no left-wing parties… All parties in our country are right-wing, even though there is no right-wing party in Bulgaria too. How can one get out of this vicious circle?

– That’s right. It’s like that all over the world. And that’s a long time ago. A long time ago, I personally spoke on the matter, but the platform was always low so that more people could hear. Finally, this truth has been widely seen for ten years. Simply because there was no one to explain what left is, i.e. what is socialism, although one clearly knows what the right is, i.e. capitalism. Since 1996 with a small marginal party, I tried to explain to the public this truth, the consequence of which is precisely the political division of left and right space, but due to the lack of any resource, success has not been my friend so far. I hope very soon this situation will radically change and Bulgaria will offer the world the first authentic left of the New Age!

What happened in our country after 1989 can be deciphered simply – the winners of the world war in succession, this time the Cold War, imposed a political model in our country according to their taste and recipe, just as one of the winners of the Second World War – the Soviet Union, imposed its political model to us. Do you think this wording is correct?

– Absolutely yes! We live in a global capitalist world, a world of mega-imperialism, continuing its two-century imperialist and world-damaging policy of distribution and redistribution of world markets; Bulgaria is an object of these spheres of influence, like a number of other countries. Only this is new – compared to the imperialism of a century ago, described by Lenin in 1916, it is simply raised in degree and is already super-, mega-imperialism; then the “great” powers were 6 or 5, until 1989 there were only 2, today only one superpower remains – the world gendarme, the other Evil empire, the USA. But it has already passed its zenith! The creation of a series of “unions” on a continental basis through the destruction of national states – European, Asian, American, African, is only a stage, a step towards the ultimate goal – a single world Empire, a “communism” without borders, in which the lives of the poor it won’t cost a dime!

Does socialism in Bulgaria need rehabilitation? Was it not demonized by his conquerors?

– From rehabilitation – no, because rehabilitation means restoration of the old system “socialism” with its scientific oxymorons “communist state” and “communist regime”! What socialism needs is restoration of the historical truth about it, clearing the name, clearing the IDEA of socialism, authentic Marxian socialism from the spittles layered on it. Because the goal of the top ideologues of capitalism and imperialism has been achieved – the satanization of socialism and communism has reached its extreme when the poor have hated their own and the only ideology they have!

What don’t you like about КНИГИ (BOOKS) NEWS site?

– It needs more, much more advertising on this site, which I came across quite by accident. Maybe more space. Otherwise, it is very good to present books and ideas from forbidden topics, such as the one about socialism, for example, which has been a taboo topic in Bulgaria since 1990, and not only. I think there will be development and a future.

September 7, 2013

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