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The Incurable Disease of Anti-Semitism: In the Wake of the Gaza War, Decency, Like Truth and Conscience, Has Become a Curable Disease

There was a time in international relations, when in spite of the regular interests and intrigues used to seek them, some were able to keep the fundamentals of decency, truth, conscience, the respect for facts, traditions and history, and the search for an objective truth.

Nowadays, political positions can change from one day to the next, facts can be reversed, narrative is as valuable as fact and history, and all opinions appear to be as valid as others. The world is globalized, no national culture or value can rival any woke-ist claim or sentiment of what is or what must be, for the world oppressors are never right.


These developments, or rather this degeneration, is the result of social media, which have not only addicted people to produce fake news at will, but have allowed opinions to be presented instantly and universally as fact, including the routine lies, sycophancy, and betrayal by Arab and Muslim terrorists.

The Incurable Disease of Anti-Semitism: In the Wak ....
Israeli, Raphael