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The Clashing Casts of Minds Led to the Gaza War of October 7, 2023: Radical Islam & the West On A Collision Course

In our global world, where interfaith and interracial relationships are highly prized, thereby promoting the waning of nationalism, national culture, and specificity, the tendency is growing for many to feel like strangers in their own country.

This is all in view of the unlimited mix of races, cultures, and people that we observe throughout the world that are changing at the expense of their national characteristics of cultures, which have been eclipsed toward disparities.

This has impacted the mix of languages and ways of life, and has also resulted in the false conclusion that all people are alike, reason with the same rational arguments, and think alike, and that therefore they should be treated and should treat each other on the same grounds.

The mounting cases of clashes and conflicts between radical Islam and Western civilization such as expressed in the Gaza War of October 7, 2023, launched by Hamas against Israel, where the pretext was not territorial or material, but civilizational and existential, suggest that various peoples and races are moved by different mindsets, and though using the same words and expressions, mean totally different, even diametrically opposed ideas and reasoning. Islamic countries, backed by authoritarian countries, support Hamas, while the liberal West stands by Israel.

The Clashing Casts of Minds Led to the Gaza War of ....
Israeli, Raphael