Author Jillian Rose Andersen

Where's Your Daughter?: Scenes from the Life of a Teenage Model
“Part memoir, part manifesto, part self-help and part coming-of-age adventure story, Where’s Your Daughter? is a roller-coaster of emotion, critique, advice, and introspection. Though Ms. Andersen’s book will never be called art, the closest analogue that comes to mind is none other than William Carlos Williams’ Paterson, in its one-volume edition. But instead of utilizing a variety of genres to focus upon a specific place, Where’s Your Daughter? seeks to describe in vivid diversity, and with both compassion and passion, a particular phase of life, that of late adolescence. This is of interest because of the liminal character of this age group, and the ongoing puzzle of where to place it in society. For the author and her friends-whose antics and outlooks would likely make any conservative parent tear their hair out, but equally so, will force those liberal to reconsider their own values as well-are clearly no longer children, if not quite “adults.” But their youthful and ragged insights into both their own lives and the world at large mark them in an important way as being matured by the very process of learning how to settle power dynamics within the family and at work as well. To my knowledge, coming from one so young, this is a unique facet of the journey. That the author is able to effectively communicate this maturation process, warts and all, is to be taken as a delightful bonus for the reader. And speaking of such, every teen should read this book as a guide to getting a life for themselves, and every parent should read it in order to avoid snuffing out that very life.” – Pre-Publication Reviewer