Summing Up at Age 90 - Late Reflections on a Divided Israel under the Shadow of Conflict and Antisemitism
The Unheeded Warning and 17 Years Later (2007-2024): In the Wake of October 7, 2023:
Aussie Jewry under the Threat of Radical Muslims
The Incurable Disease of Anti-Semitism - In the Wake of the Gaza War, Decency, Like Truth and Conscience, Has Become a Curable Disease
The Tectonic Shudder of October 7, 2023 in the Middle East - A Nation Fighting for Its Existential Legitimacy
The Clashing Casts of Minds Led to the Gaza War of October 7, 2023: Radical Islam & the West On A Collision Course
The Mind-Boggling October 7 Savagery:
How Western Minds Were Boggled by Islamic Machinations
Islam and Secularization
Religion Between Commercialization and Political Trade-offs
Palestinians in Rebellion
Perception, Conviction and Action