Books by Natalia Toreeva

How Mom Helped Her Young Children with MATH by Using Examples

How Mom Helped Her Young Children with MATH by Using Examples will help young students understand what math is all about.
It’s never too early to learn mathematical concepts, author Natalia G. Toreeva believes, and kids should start in preschool. Her examples continue for kindergarten and elementary school students, as well as for those who are homeschooled.

“I felt that the starting point for young children to understand math should be as early as possible. And the examples used in this book can help with that,” says the author.

The Mom in the book helps children with their starting point in understanding math, as she teaches her own children math concepts by using simple examples, making math fun and easy to understand. She also shows how addition and subtraction functions work, which are the foundation for math.

Four-Legged Friends in the Bark Park

Everyone can be bullied. Even dogs!

Max the dog is very smart, but Max has anxiety because he’s being bullied. It all started at the local dog park when Max was attending training classes. Other dogs bullied poor Max, but his friends Helen and Greg helped him get through it and put a stop to Max’s anxiety.

Children will learn from reading Four-Legged Friends in the Bark Park that being nervous has nothing to do with how smart someone is. Whether it’s dogs or humans, bullying is a bad thing.

It’s been said that “Strong people stand up for themselves. But the strongest people stand up for others.”

The Battle on the Kalinov-Bridge: A Russian Fairy Tale

The Battle on the Kalinov-bridge retells an exciting Russian fairy tale as seen through the text and illustrations of Natalia G. Toreeva. However, she does not give a word-by-word translation of the tale. “In this story I have tried to stay close to the original, but I have attempted to tell the story by my own words and meanings, and to a contemporary audience.” Normally Russian fairy tales were not written specifically for children or adults, so everyone could find their own meaning. While children may be fascinated by the adventures of boys battling several-headed serpents, adults would consider the hidden meaning of the symbolic battle, interpreting it as a fight between good and evil. In the end, all will learn an important lesson about friendship and loyalty, which should be given to each other and to your country. Originally from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg, Russia), Natalia G. Toreeva is an accomplished, award-winning artist whose works are in the collections of museums in Chicago and Russia. She received her master’s degree in art and design in St. Petersburg, Russia, and her master’s in computer science from DePaul University, Chicago. A retired engineer, she is a member of the Artists Trade Union of Russia and of the DuPage Writer’s Group in Illinois. She has illustrated novels, poetry and children’s books, and has contributed written works to a number of literary journals. The author believes reading is an important way for children to gain knowledge and inspire creativity. Her previous children’s books are Lucy the Chicken and Her Friends and Greg and the Sea Monster. She is the mother of twins, and lives in Carol Stream, Illinois. 

Greg and the Sea Monster

Written and illustrated by Natalia G. Toreeva, the creative new children’s book Greg and the Sea Monster will delight your little ones with its thrilling watery adventures. Join Greg and his friends on their exciting journey as they learn an important lesson about loyalty and friendship that they will remember all their lives. Natalia Toreeva is an accomplished, award-winning artist whose works are in the collections of museums in Chicago and Russia. She has illustrated novels, poetry and children’s books, and has contributed written works to a number of literary journals; she is a member of the Artists Trade Union of Russia. Natalia feels reading is an important way for children to gain knowledge and inspire their own creativity. Her previous book is Lucy the Chicken and Her Friends. The author is the mother of twins, and lives in Carol Stream, Illinois.

Lucy the Chicken and Her Friends

Lucy the Chicken sets out with a basket of apples to bring to her good friend, George, who lives on a lake far away. On the way to his house, Lucy meets some of her friends who all wish to bring something along and are anxious to see George once again. But what else does Lucy encounter on her journey? Follow Lucy the Chicken and her Friends in this easy-to-read children’s tale that holds a very valuable lesson! Author Bio: Natalia Toreeva is an accomplished award-winning artist whose works are in the collections of museums in Chicago and Russia. She has illustrated novels, poetry and children’s books, and contributed written works to a number of literary journals. Natalia feels reading is an important way for children to gain knowledge and inspire their own creativity. She is the mother of twins and lives in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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