Books by Michael Joseph Scanlon

List of Michael Joseph Scanlon Books:

About the Author : Michael Joseph Scanlon

A full-time author, this is Michael Joseph Scanlon’s sixth book. “I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1961. I went to a Roman Catholic school but lived in a Protestant neighbourhood. I regard this as a great blessing, as it meant I was able to forge unconditional friendships in both traditions and saw so much good in both of them. I have lived and worked in London since 1988 and enjoy the cosmopolitan environment here.”

How to Think Effectively in the Progressive World: Traditionalist Observations and Guidance

The central aim of this book is to help the reader discern the difference between truth and error. It is an analysis of the long-lasting former traditional world and how it became a more progressive one following the Renaissance, ruled by change. It uses examples from the world religions of Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, and compares them with contemporary secular thought.

The author considers what was lost with this Renaissance transition and explains why this had to happen, as it was included in God’s divine plan for mankind. It also looks forward to the restoration of the divine norm with the coming of the Messiah.

The book is not an academic work but is instead thought-provoking and appeals to the general reader’s capacity for common sense and understanding.

6 x 9 – 76 pages



Can Contemporary Man Be Truly Happy?: A Question Asked, an Answer Given

This thought-provoking and challenging book aims to stimulate readers to understand and work towards true happiness.

Within these pages, London-based author Michael Joseph Scanlon issues a searching critique of the postmodern world, and its ways of thinking and operating, from the viewpoint of traditional spirituality. It contrasts this with earlier times and traditional civilisations that lasted many centuries before colonialism and then globalisation. It ends by outlining how true happiness looks in today’s world.

Says the author, “My creativity operates in bite-sized awarenesses. The challenge was taking these nuggets and weaving them into a consistent, cohesive tapestry that flowed in such a way as to transport the reader on an unusual, but still vital journey.”

6 x 9 – 68 pages



The Fate of Mr Johnson

The Fate of Mr. Johnson is the third and final volume of what has become the “Chronicles of Peter Smethurst,” who is a pivotal figure of mercy in the series.

The first volume tells the story of one man and his life. The second volume offers a major theme concerning the fate of mankind, as seen through the eyes of a handful of characters in the first volume. This final volume traces the early karma of Mr Johnson, a key figure in the trilogy who has been evil from childhood, his death, and what happens to him afterwards.

This story begins in 1927, moves to present day, and then jumps two hundred years in the future. The climax explains the fate of the universe, as witnessed by these characters.

6 x 9 – 94 pages



The Wisdom of Doctor James

The Wisdom of Doctor James begins with a continuation of the tale of Mr Napier, a central character in the author’s first novel, The Path of Peter Smethurst.

A debate arises between the pivotal characters, including Doctor James, a theologian and spiritual expert, and William Browning, a student.

Then Doctor James makes another appearance to explain the fate of mankind. This theological story jumps two hundred years into the future on another world before reintroducing the central characters in a grand finish where all the disparate threads are woven into a beautiful tapestry.

6 x 9 – 82 pages



Heaven: A Gift Unfailing

Heaven: A Gift Unfailing starts by stirring the imagination of readers, and getting them to think “upwards” about the existence of Heaven.

This compelling book then describes these realities clearly, with examples coming from the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, and even secular faiths.

Finally, it outlines the best way to get to Heaven. First-time author Michael Joseph Scanlon discovered a need to find these answers for himself; then he realized a desire to help others by describing what he found in layman’s terms.

He credits his faith as his biggest inspiration in writing. “I have had some hard knocks in life. Writing helped me to put these hardships in a better context.”

6 x 9 – 92 pages



The Path of Peter Smethurst: A 21st Century Pilgrim’s Progress

The Path of Peter Smethurst: A 21st Century Pilgrim’s Progress is the life story of a spiritual aspirant who does not know what he is. His early life and later career are described as he makes his way through life, unaware of what his destiny might be.The story is set in modern-day England.

Peter Smethurst is a quiet man who tries and fails to make sense of his situation, until he is almost completely submerged in a catastrophic event. He encounters hard times, but eventually finds help, and begins to learn where his spiritual journey should take him.

The book covers thirty years of his life, showing modern aspirants the important things to know if spiritual realisation can be achieved in our times.

6 x 9 – 160 pages
