Books by John H. Cary

Alcatraz Awaits: The Legacy of Donald Trump

“Donald John Trump, you are hereby sentenced to prison alone on the island of Alcatraz for the rest of your natural life,” said the judge.

When former U.S. President Donald Trump is convicted of treason and other crimes against the state, he is sentenced to solitary life imprisonment on Alcatraz, the former San Francisco island penitentiary. He is provided a few weapons, including bows, arrows, and knives to harvest the sheep, goats, and rabbits that were placed on the island for his food supply.

Monitored continually, Trump changes his formerly sedentary lifestyle by training hard, and even shaves his head. The government responds by sending convicted felons to kill him, with the promise of their freedom after they “do the deed.”

Little do they know what awaits them.

Says the author, “Not your typical book about the 45th U.S. president. If you like him, you will like this, because he becomes a hardcore killer, as the government begins to send convicted felons to end his life. If you don’t like him, you will like how he struggles. However, this is just one reality as he changes or evolves.”

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Anger Tree

There’s a tree that takes anger. Trevor Baker is a big, heavy, and very angry nine-year-old boy who is the neighborhood and school bully.

One night after his mother takes away his television, he storms out of the house, shouting, punching, and kicking anything in his path. Unsatisfied after acting out his violence, he comes across the only force that can change him: a large old maple tree next to his house that’s tall enough to touch his bedroom window on the second floor.

At first, Trevor challenges the tree. Then as his anger consumes him, he punches and kicks it, inflicting minor injuries (mostly to his pride), but it calms him down.

Returning to his room, Trevor continues talking to himself, but is no longer shouting that nobody likes him, until he hears a voice. It is the tree that becomes his Anger Tree.

The two become good friends, though only Trevor can hear its words, so he reads to the tree and it gives him advice, telling Trevor there’s a bigger world for him to explore.

This inspirational story will bring out emotions in everyone, and it’s a book to be read over and over again.

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Scary Terry

Scary Terry is a young lady who has many bad habits. She’s unfriendly, lazy, rude, selfish, and angry. She has poor hygiene, she eats all the wrong foods, and she never exercises. Scary Terry also doesn’t have any friends. She must learn how to be friendly and kind, and take care of herself, if she wants friends. But can she do it?

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Dixie World: The Adventures of an Immortal Being

Dixie World begins at the conclusion of the Civil War, and follows The Adventures of an Immortal Being named David Greene, who has lived for more than 60,000 years, accumulating a mass wealth of knowledge. He wakes up in a cave after hibernating in a deep sleep for the past few decades to begin his quest. Journey along as David lives, loves, and battles pirates, Japanese warships, giant squids, and other enemies, while creating other immortals who will join him on a quest to establish “the Dixie Way,” a lifestyle of discipline, honor, respect, peace, and truth. His hibernation survival is explained, as well as the discovery of his wife and a saber-toothed cat in the cave. These immortals share a thirst for knowledge and are incredibly fit. Can their plan to create a peaceful world populated by a “Greene Team” become reality, or will modern politics destroy what has been 600 centuries in the making?

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About the Author

John H. Cary grew up in LaGrange, Georgia, a small town about an hour south of Atlanta. He currently lives in Yinchuan, China, where he teaches English at Ningxia Medical University. He is also a practitioner of Chinese medicine, specializing in acupuncture. “Kind of odd, with me being an American doctor practicing Chinese medicine working on Chinese people.” Since 2005, the author has taught overseas in Korea, Iraq, and China. He’s been a writer for twenty years, and his next book is nonfiction and titled ARTIFICIAL: The Rise of the Sex Doll.

Strategic Book Publishing