The Writings of



Their story is our story (Horace)
Exploring the New Testament’s historical context through storytelling

“Hear the shout – “Make a way for Adonai through the wastelands.
Make a straight path for him through the deserts!”
The valleys will be raised up, the mountains leveled,
And the rough ground smoothed out like the plains.
There will Adonai’s glory be manifested before all,
Together all nations of people will see it,
For from his own mouth Adonai has declared it will be so.”
(Isaiah 40:3-5, paraphrase from Wilderness Refuge: A Prophet’s Kingdom)

Have you ever wondered what First Century Jews and Romans thought when John the
Immerser proclaimed the coming of God’s kingdom? How Jesus’ interpretation of the
Torah was perceived by his fellow Jews and later by foreigners? What was it about John
and Jesus’ message that threatened those in power? What geography, people, rituals,
historical and military events, foods, cultural conflicts, social norms, and economic
conditions influenced their message and lives?

I have been wondering such things since I was a child. Such wonderings are at the core of
my love of history and my faith, and led to my writing a story set in First Century Judea
and Rome. Through the characters, I explore the New Testament message from within it,
as if I was living it. And, in the process of writing and researching this story, in living it
with my characters, my understanding of the New Testament was changed, enriched,
deepened, and I better understand how the issues addressed within it are still impacting us

Hard: ISBN:978-1-63410-284-1
Soft: ISBN: 978-1-63410-283-4
E-Book: ISBN: 978-1-63410-285-8

My Rock, My Refuge: The Kingdom's Promise

In A.D. 37, former Roman tribune Valerio Tullus, his Jewish wife Leah, their children Simon and Anna, and their household of Jews and provincials have been swept up in the outpouring of Jesus of Nazareth’s divine Spirit and compassion. Experiencing this has transformed their lives.

Now, the new emperor, Gaius Caesar, known by his hated nickname Caligula, has summoned Valerio to return from Judea to Rome. Valerio suspects Caligula will attempt to seize his family’s estate and kill him. Yet, united in their faith, Valerio and his family go, hoping to help others and unite Anna with her deceased birthfather’s kinswomen.

Can they accomplish what they believe Jesus desires them to do before Caligula takes Valerio’s life? Only Jesus’ Spirit knows what awaits them.

This is the fourth book in a series. In My Rock, My Refuge: The Kingdom’s Promise, the author continues her story begun in her previous books: Wilderness Refuge: A Prophet’s Kingdom; Bread and Stone: A New Kingdom; and Fire in the Wind: The Kingdom’s Way.

Available at

Hard: ISBN: 978-1-950860-79-1
Soft: ISBN: 978-1-946540-78-2
E-Book: ISBN: 978-1-95153-082-2

Fire in the Wind: The Kingdom's Way

During Passover AD 33, Yeshua of Nazareth was publicly crucified and declared dead. Yet Roman Tribune Valerio Tullus, his Jewish wife Leah, their children Simon and Anna, their household of Jews and foreigners, along with Roman Prefect Pontius Pilatus, Herodian and Jewish leaders, and all Jerusalem hear an astounding rumor: Yeshua has been resurrected from the dead.

Valerio and his family had earlier embraced Yeshua’s proclamation that all shall come to Adonai’s kingdom. This appears to happen when a roaring wind like fire engulfs the city, and Yeshua’s followers announce that Yeshua has poured out His Spirit.

Strangely, Valerio and his family are excluded from this outpouring. What then does this Spirit’s coming mean? Is it the coming of Adonai’s kingdom as Yeshua proclaimed? Or are some being rejected because they aren’t Jewish? Or, in His divine compassion, does Adonai still have a plan for them? For answers, Valerio and his family seek out Yeshua’s followers. What they learn will change their lives.

Available at

Hard: ISBN: 978-1-60976-318-3
Soft: ISBN: 978-1-61204-028-8
E-Book: ISBN: 978-1-61204-040-0

Bread and Stone: A New Kingdom

In AD 30, Valerio Tullus and his Jerusalem household are shaken by an earthquake, but more so by Yeshua, a Galilean rabbi shaking Jewish society by proclaiming God’s coming kingdom. Eight years before, Valerio arrived in Judea dead to all he loved. But after fighting and nearly dying to defend Leah, a young Jewish woman whose struggle to survive and serve God had inspired him, Valerio realizes that her compassionate God saved his life. Now he wonders – does Yeshua possess the same divine power? To find out, Valerio, Leah, and her children Simon and Anna set out for Galilee in search of Yeshua, and their encounter with the rabbi shakes the foundations of their lives. Is God’s kingdom coming soon, they wonder? Will their love for one another endure when it does? And what will happen to Yeshua?

In her writing, Cheryl Ann Toliver hopes to engage readers in New Testament culture and history, so they can better understand its message and learn what people thought of Jesus in his lifetime. In Bread and Stone: A New Kingdom, she continues her story begun in Wilderness Refuge: A Prophet’s Kingdom.

Available at

Hard: ISBN: 978-1-60693-132-5
Soft: ISBN: 978-1-60693-564-4
E-Book: ISBN: 978-1-60976-435-7

Wilderness Refuge: A Prophet's Kingdom

Valerio Tullus arrives in Judea in AD 22, disowned and despairing, yet hopes to redeem his honor and life. Instead, he faces many entanglements – with his subordinate Gaius Vincinius, Jewish leaders, a local scribe Eliezer, the Herodian family, Prefect Pontius Pilatus, and the children Simon and Anna, nephew and niece of Leah, a young Jewish woman whose own struggles to survive and serve God inspire him. Through these entanglements, Valerio’s life becomes interwoven with Leah’s and, when Vincinius attacks her, Valerio defends her. Death seems the only redemption, but, though Valerio doesn’t know or understand it, the compassionate God of Leah and her family and her people has a different purpose for his life. Thus, in AD 28, as a powerful, strange prophet named Yochanan proclaims the coming of God’s kingdom, to be ruled by a leader yet to come, Valerio can only wonder – what is this kingdom of compassion and justice Yochanan has announced? And what redemption will it bring?

Available at

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